AnteAge MD Hair Growth System

AnteAge MD Hair Growth System

A breakthrough in the hair restoration industry – AnteAGE MD Hair Growth System uses a proprietary system comprised of in-clinic treatments and topical lotions for use at home.

Introducing a real game-changer: AnteAGE MD Hair Growth System is focused on maximizing the ability of hair follicles to regenerate, repair and renew themselves.

Similar to how stem cells have been used to boost regeneration in the skin, technological advances have allowed for this same concept to be applied to the scalp to aid hair loss!

Specially formulated to awaken the sleeping stem cells inside the hair follicles and encouraging them to grow -AnteAGE is a safe and natural hair loss treatment that does not require you to go under the knife!

What is the secret ingredient?

AnteAGE contains medical-grade Stem Cytokines and Growth Factors (GF) that supports the extension of the anagen phase of hair follicles, using the same power that drives your skin’s natural healing system to trigger hair growth.

What are Stem Cytokines and Growth Factors?

Research has long revealed the role stem cells play in tissue repair.

Stem cells are the “mother” cells found within various tissues of your body that contain hundreds of growth factors and cytokines, and are the most intelligent anti-inflammatory agents that work to manage the all-important task of healing our body.

Unfortunately, as we age, our naturally occurring stem cells start to decrease and become less efficient.

Overtime, this leads to less cells being available to repair and mend the body – which is also why hair health tends to deteriorate as we age.

In every hair follicle, there is a bulge of these stem cells and their failure to activate and communicate with one another is what happens during hair loss.

This is where cytokines come in as key bio-signals that can be utilized to instruct and direct stem cells in the hair follicles to grow and regenerate quicker. -AnteAGE products are able to mimic the body’s natural bio-signals and thus channel its cellular repair and regeneration abilities.

Where do AnteAGE stem cells come from?

AnteAGE products do NOT contain any cells at all; however, they do contain a potent blend of bio-signals that have been produced and harvested under strict laboratory conditions in order to extract bio-signals that will engage in skin repair and regeneration. 12 bio-identical GFs are also added into the solution, each with their own unique hair growth features and benefits. AnteAGE products are 100% cruelty, cell, paraben, pathogen, dye and fragrance-free.

All active ingredients eventually work together to activate the stem cells of the hair follicles to sprout a full bed of healthy new hair.

At Brandywine Med Spa we now offer AnteAGE treatments as a part of an comprehensive hair loss treatment plan.

Administered in-clinic through a process called micro-needling – our doctor will first apply numbing cream on the treatment area, and then proceed to use a microneedling device to make small pricks on the skin in order to boost the penetration and absorption of the topical growth factor solution used to stimulate hair growth.

You can expect your scalp to feel sore and tender for the next 2 to 3 days after your session; however, this is completely normal and should subside in few days.

It is recommended to come for treatment every 3- 4 weeks for a minimum of 4 sessions in order to start noticing a more youthful hair growth pattern and increased hair density. In addition, you will be required to continue treatment at home using the topical lotions provided to shorten healing times and continue to reap the rejuvenating benefits of AnteAge.